Dracups Cottage with Rose Beaman
Yesterday we braved travelling through the snow to the town of Bridgnorth to visit a great location called Dracups Cottage. A quirky terraced property Dracups cottage is like walking into another world once stepping through a very normal looking terraced property door! Rose hired out the property for the day for some 2 hour slots with her and it turned out a productive day photographically.
For a view of the property here is a link to a website showing all the rooms: https://www.booking.com/hotel/gb/dracup-39-s-cottage.en-gb.html?auth_success=1&activeTab=photosGallery
Below are some of my shots from the day using our own monolight and stand for the lighting inside the property to create some different atmospheres. Despite the fantastic location I tried to minimise the rooms in the shots showing just enough to give the feel for the images I wanted to create, thus not distracting attention to the main feature being the lovely Rose Beaman, for whom I would like to thank for another great day. Hopefully we will get her back to our own studio once again this year for some more great images.
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